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Lebanon, Aging 6000 Years of Pride

Aging more than 6000 years, bordered on one side by the Mediterranean and on the other by two parallel mountain ranges, Lebanon seems a country suspended between the sky and the sea. Despite its small area (10,452 square km), this is a land resplendent in its diverse geography, landscape, culture and history.











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The Phoenicians

The area now known as Lebanon first appeared in recorded history around 3000 B.C. as a group of coastal cities and a heavily forested hinterland. It was inhabited by the Canaanites, a Semitic people, whom the Greeks called "Phoenicians" because of the purple (phoinikies) dye they sold. These early inhabitants referred to themselves as "men of Sidon" or the like, according to their city of origin, and called the country "Lebanon." Because of the nature of the country and its location, the Phoenicians turned to the sea, where they engaged in trade and navigation.

Each of the coastal cities was an independent kingdom noted for the special activities of its inhabitants. Tyre and Sidon were important maritime and trade centers; Gubla (later known as Byblos and now as Jubayl) and Berytus (present-day Beirut) were trade and religious centers. Gubla was the first Phoenician city to trade actively with Egypt and the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom (2686-2181 B.C.), exporting cedar, olive oil, and wine, while importing gold and other products from the Nile Valley.

Before the end of the seventeenth century B.C., LebaneseEgyptian relations were interrupted when the Hyksos, a nomadic Semitic people, conquered Egypt. After about three decades of Hyksos rule (1600-1570 B.C.), Ahmose I (1570-45 B.C.), a Theban prince, launched the Egyptian liberation war. Opposition to the Hyksos increased, reaching a peak during the reign of the pharaoh Thutmose III (1490-36 B.C.), who invaded Syria, put an end to Hyksos domination, and incorporated Lebanon into the Egyptian Empire.

Toward the end of the fourteenth century B.C., the Egyptian Empire weakened, and Lebanon was able to regain its independence by the beginning of the twelfth century B.C. The subsequent three centuries were a period of prosperity and freedom from foreign control during which the earlier Phoenician invention of the alphabet facilitated communications and trade. The Phoenicians also excelled not only in producing textiles but also in carving ivory, in working with metal, and above all in making glass. Masters of the art of navigation, they founded colonies wherever they went in the Mediterranean Sea (specifically in Cyprus, Rhodes, Crete, and Carthage) and established trade routes to Europe and western Asia. Furthermore, their ships circumnavigated Africa a thousand years before those of the Portuguese. These colonies and trade routes flourished until the invasion of the coastal areas by the Assyrians. (Source: U.S. Library of Congress).



  Aley Ottoman Governors Summer Residences  
  Anjar Exclusively One Period, The Umayyad  
  Baalbeck The City of the Sun  
  Barouk A Pleasant Summer Town With Abundant Springs  
  Baskinta Mikhael Nouhayme (1889-1988) Home Land  
  Beit Ed-Dine Emir Bechir Chehab II - "House of Faith"  
  Bhamdoun A Summer Resort  
  Cedars Holy Trees of Lebanon  
  Chtaura Centre of The Bekaa Valley  
  Ehden Horsh Ehden Nature Reserve  
  Faqra The Ruins of a Phoenician Temple  
  Faraya Excellent Skiing Facilities  
  Hakel 500 Millions Years Fossils  
  Hasbaya Wadi El Taym  
  Jeita Grotto A Caverns With Astounding Wealth  
  Jounieh Casino Du Liban  
  Kartaba Considered The Main Largest Village in Jbeil  
  Miziara Visit the Art of Human Creation  
  Msailaha Built by Prince Fakhr Ed Dine II in 1624  
  Nabatieh Al Anbat, Ancient Residents of East Jordan  
  Qana Qana, Jesus First Miracle  
  Tannourine Cedar Forest of Some 60,000 Trees  
  Tibnine Crusader Castle  
  Tyre (Sour) The Homeland of Euclide  
  Zgharta Tripoli's Sister  




Information From the Ministry of Tourism

Lebanese Ministry of Tourism

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Saidon City


Akbia, Liban Caves


Berdawni, Zahle Lebanon


Mieh w Mieh - Mummy

Mieh w Mieh 

Tripoli Citadel


Jbeil/Byblos Castle


Lebanese Famous Cities

Lebanese Famous Cities

Lebanon Tourism - Rashaya Al Foukhar


Qaraoun Lake - West Beqaa

Lebanon Tourist Qaraoun Lake

Zahlee Monastery St. Elias At Tawak


Monastery of Mar Sarkis, Gibran Khalil Gibran Museum


Qadisha Holy Valley

Qadisha Valley

Beirut Museum


Liban Assurance

Liban Assurance

Old Zouk

Old Zouk

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